In-home newborn sessions have been at the center of Jemmie Photography as long as I've been shooting. It is a wildly holy place in time, quietly waving as I come through the front door, saying hello to the littles or the dogs. The Mama has somehow put on a dress and makeup as if she didn't just have a whole baby 2 weeks ago. The Dad welcomes me in with the gentlest proudest smile and the tiniest of baby bundles in his arms and asks if I would love coffee but I'm already 0-3,000 on the joy scale and turn him down.
The dishwasher quietly hums and the dryer is rumbling, full of burp cloths and onesies. I walk around & softly adjust things, pull a curtain aside here, turn a chair there, and put them just so. I gasp at the light and ask them to look at their baby and their breath catches at the love. And there it all is, in the hum of new life, the moment.
Oh, I love it! What a gift to see such love over and over again.

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