Family Session: The Hennis Family

November 25, 2013 ~ Mims, FL ~ Family Session: The Hennis Family 
A few days after I took the Nason’s family portraits, they graciously allowed friends to use their
property for the Hennis family’s portraits!! That was incredibly kind of them, and I loved the opportunity
to shoot even more on that property! We had perfect lighting and great weather to shoot in.
I had such a great time with them, it felt more like a reunion even though we’d never met before!
Lots and lots of laughter and playing and silly faces. We rounded out the end of their session
with hide and seek, because – why not? Their little girl is five going on fifteen, full of fun and joy.
They are heading to Africa this spring to do missionary work for several months,
which I’m so excited about for them, and will definitely be praying about when they go!
Thanks so much, Hennis family!! It was a blessing to meet you and take your photos.
May God bless your time in Africa and all those you minister to!
This was all their own idea! When life goes crazy on photoshoots, roll with it!! So much laughter. 
She’s an adorable little firecracker, this one. 

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